New Hampshire’s Regional Planning Commissions
The primary role of a Regional Planning Commission (RPC) is to support local municipalities in their planning and community development responsibilities. This is done in a variety of ways such as:
- Assisting communities in preparing local planning documents such as master plans, CIPs, natural resource inventories, open space plans and hazard mitigation plans;
- Developing local ordinances and providing technical assistance and general guidance to local land use boards;
- Helping to secure funding for transportation and other infrastructure projects;
- Working with municipalities to obtain and administer state and federal grant programs; and
- Reducing costs to municipalities through regional coordination, intermunicipal cooperation and problem solving.
Regional Planning Commissions’ Areas of Expertise
Data Management and Development
– Geographic Information Systems
– US Census Data Center Affiliates
Land Use, Environmental Planning, and Community Development
– Local Master Planning, Zoning Ordinances, and Regulations
– Environmental Planning
– Economic Development Planning
– Emergency Management Planning including Hazard Mitigation
Transportation Planning and Technical Assistance
– Developing and maintaining regional Transportation Plans
– Traffic Analysis, Transit Planning, Special Studies, and other Technical Assistance
Quick Facts about New Hampshire’s RPCs!
- In 1968 the State legislature enabled New Hampshire municipalities to create Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs).
- Currently over 90% of New Hampshire’s 234 municipalities are voluntary members of one of the nine RPCs.
- Each municipality that is a member of an RPC is entitled to between 2 and 4 representatives depending on population.
- Each of the RPCs are required by NH Statutes to carry out a variety of duties, including: create a regional Comprehensive Plan, complete a housing needs assessment, and review developments of regional impact.